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Wedding Anniversary Meanings: Anniversary Colours

Today we continue on our anniversary gift lists with Wedding Anniversary Colours. We have covered traditional, modern and anniversary gemstones and gifts. Today we are looking at Anniversary Colours. Each year has its own colour of significance. Of course you can give an anniversary gift to your significant of your choosing as you know them best. Yet there is something about tradition and incorporating it with your gift gives it an extra layer of meaning.

Wedding Anniversary Colours

Anniversary Year
Anniversary Colours
1stGold or Yellow
2ndLinen White
4thLime Green
12thOyster White
13thAntique White
Emerald Green or White
40thRuby Red
45thSapphire Red
55thEmerald Green
60thDiamond White
65thSky Blue
75thDiamond White

Colours & Their Meaning


A colour of trust, duty, trustworthiness and unwaveringness. It is true, held and calm, and doesn’t prefer to make a whine or draw consideration. It loathes encounter, and likes to get things done in its own particular manner. From a colour psychology point of view, blue is solid and dependable. This colour shows an inward security and certainty. You can depend on it to take control and make the best decision in troublesome circumstances. It has a need for request and course in its life, including its living and workspaces. This is a colour that looks for peace above everything else. Advancing in both physical and mental unwinding.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Blue Sapphire


Brown is a genuine and sensible colour implying steadiness, structure and support. Identifying with the insurance and support of the family. This colour gives a sharp feeling of obligation, duty and considers commitments important. It gives a need for security and a feeling of having a place. This is most in line with family and companions being of most extreme significance. In the importance of colours, brown is the colour of material security. Brown is also the colour of amassing material belongings.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Teddy Bear


Gold is the colour of accomplishment and triumph. Related with plenitude, flourishing, extravagance, quality, eminence, advancement, esteem and style. This colour infers opulence, material riches and lavishness. Gold in its physical state indicates riches and glory in each nation, culture and trade. It is the most important commodity that is traded in the world market. This colour associated with masculinity, vitality and the energy of the sun. Comparative to silver, which relates to female vitality and the moon.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Gold Watch


Green identifies with balance and congruity. From a colour psychology point of view, it is the immense balancer of the heart and feelings. It creates a sense of harmony between the head and the heart. Green represents development, spring, recharging and resurrection. Green recharges and re-establishes exhausted vitality. It is the sanctuary far from the worries of present-day living. It gives a feeling of prosperity. This is the reason there is such a large amount of this unwinding colour on the earth, and why we have to keep it that way. Green is a positive colour, giving us the capacity to love and sustain ourselves.

Anniversary Gemstone List and Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Emerald Ring


This colour transmits warmth and bliss, joining the physical vitality and incitement of red with the liveliness of yellow. Orange identifies with ‘gut feelings’ or our impulses. Compared to the physical response of red or the mental response of yellow. This colour offers passionate quality in troublesome circumstances. It helps us to move from frustrations and misery, aiding recuperation from anguish. The colour psychology of orange is hopeful and inspiring, reviving our soul. The truth is the colour orange is hopeful and inspiring colour. We should utilise it in our regular daily existence. Orange brings suddenness and an uplifting point of view. It is an awesome colour to use amid extreme financial circumstances. It keep]us focused and helps us to look on the bright side of life.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Orange Roses


Red is a warm and positive colour related with our most physical needs and our will to survive. It oozes a solid, vitality and is empowering. Red energises feelings and propels us to make a move in life. It has spearheading soul and administration qualities, advancing aspiration and assurance. Red is also solid willed and can offer certainty to individuals who are bashful. Being the colour of physical development, red stirs our physical life to compel. It is the colour of sexuality and can fortify further and explore more private interests in us. For example, love and sex on the positive side or vengeance and outrage on the negative.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Red Roses


Silver has a ladylike vitality and identifies with the moon and movement of the tides. It is seen as liquid, enthusiastic, touchy and baffling. Silver is relieving, quieting and decontaminating. From a colour psychology perspective, it flags a period of reflection. Silver also helps light the path of our life forward. It assists with the purifying and discharging mental, physical and intense subject matters. Silver removes blockages as it opens new entryways and lights the path to what’s to come. With its intelligent and qualities silver motivates instinct, hyper vision and mental abilities. It reflects back any vitality given out, regardless of whether it is sure or negative.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Silver Heart Chain


Turquoise opens the lines of correspondence between the heart and the talked word. It introduces a friendly and cheerful colour that appreciates life. In colour psychology, turquoise controls and mends feelings. In the process, it can have all the earmarks of being on an enthusiastic crazy ride. This is until the ride is over to reveal the solution. A mix of blue and a little measure of yellow, it fits in on the colour scale amongst green and blue. It emanates the peace and quietness of blue. It then and the adjust and development of green with the elevating vitality of yellow.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Turquoise Bracelet Silver Chain


White is colour at its most entire and immaculate, the colour of flawlessness. The mental significance of white is immaculateness, honesty, wholeness and finishing. In colour psychology white is the colour of fresh starts, of wiping the slate clean, in a manner of speaking. It is as the clear canvas that people draw on.The colour of whites advantage is that people can draw on it with any other colour to showcase their vision. White contains an equivalent adjust of the considerable number of colours of the range, speaking to both the positive and negative parts of all colours. Its essential element is uniformity, suggesting decency and unprejudiced nature, lack of bias and freedom. It is intriguing to note that children appear on the scene with an impeccable adjust of white, prepared to engrave their lives with every one of the colours of the range (ideally!) from all their background.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: White Stilettos


Yellow identifies with acquired learning. It is the colour which reverberates with the left or rational side of the brain. This colour animates our intellectual capacities and making mental deftness and recognition. It is the lightest shade in the spectrum. From a physiological standpoint, yellow is elevating and enlightening. This colour also offers trust, joy, happiness and fun. In the significance of colours, yellow motivates unique thought and curiosity. Yellow is innovative from a mental perspective. The colour of new thoughts which us to discover better approaches for getting things done. It is the useful mastermind, not the visionary.

Wedding Anniversary Colours Gift: Yellow Minion

Check out our other Wedding Anniversary Meaning Gift Guides below to see what you can get for your significant other:

What is your favourite colour in the Anniversary Colours List? Have you ever received an anniversary gift based on the Anniversary Colours list? Join the discussion down below 🙂

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