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Doctor Who Cocktails For Your Wedding

With the up and coming release of the new season of Doctor Who and the new 13th Doctor starring Jodie Whittaker, we thought it would be fun to bring out a list of Doctor Who Themed Cocktails for your wedding. Whether you or your partner is are Doctor Who fans you can easily add these drinks to your wedding if you wish (or at home). What’s great about these cocktails are that even if your guests do not understand the Doctor Who reference they all taste great. They can be an obvious or subtle or Doctor Who reference.

Looking for a Doctor Who themed cocktail because you just love the long-standing TV series (or the 2005 edition) and want to incorporate them? Perhaps your partner does, here are some tasty wedding Doctor Who cocktails for you to enjoy. Not only will we show you some great Doctor Who themed cocktails but also the meaning behind them 🙂

Doctor Who Cocktails – Fantastic! Allons-y! Geronimo!

Fish Fingers & Custard (Tastier Than It Sounds)

When the 11th Doctor regenerated, he met a young Amy Pond. He was hungry and did not know what he liked to eat or not. As he says “new mouth new rules”. So all through the night, they tried to find something he liked. After hours and hours of trying many and many things they finally came across one thing he could stomach… ‘FISH FINGERS & CUSTARD!’. It became a recurring gag during the 11th doctors time on the show in occasionally referencing ‘fish finger and custard’. As far as Doctor Who cocktails go, this one does have the weirdest name but not a bad taste.


  • 45 ml Butterscotch Schnapps
  • 30 ml Bourbon
  • 22.5 ml Vanilla Vodka
  • 240 ml Eggnog – You do not have to make eggnog from scratch, you can go to the store to get some to make things easy.
  • Graham cracker
  • 2 Fish-shaped chewy candy

Crush the graham cracker (one per cocktail) to a medium / fine granularity. For ideal results, you should sift out all the fine cracker particles. This is to look like ‘breadcrumb’ from the fish fingers when it was on the tv show.

Mix the Butterscotch Schnapps, bourbon, vanilla flavoured vodka and eggnog. Sprinkle crushed gram crackers over ingredients. Prop 2 fish-shaped chewy candies on the glass for the fishy finish! Traditionally this doctor yelled out “GERONIMO” before leaping into actions so one should yell this out when they are about to have this drink!

Alternative: You could just get the bartender to pour custard into a glass then put a fish finger into the cup. This may however confuse and / or disgust people. Only the most hardcore of fans would appreciate it, but even then would they like it?

The Doctor Trying Fish Fingers and Custard For The First Time


The one villain/enemy of the Doctor that has stood the test of time is the Dalek’s. It is the one enemy that the Doctor can not reason with and hates everything that is not Dalek. Hideous creatures encased in an advanced metal protective case. Even a single touch from a human will cause the Dalek to want to commit suicide as it has been contaminated by the mere touch. So fierce that the Doctor had to ‘time lock’ his own civilisation with them so that they would not destroy the universe.

It, therefore, stands to reason that The Exterminator is one very strong cocktail. It is also the strongest cocktail on our Doctor Who Themed Cocktails list. Be forewarned that if you take on this drink, you may not stand a chance!


  • 30 ml Light Rum
  • 30 ml Dark Rum
  • 15 ml Agave Nectar
  • 30 ml Kraken Black Spiced Rum
  • 15 ml Amaretto
  • 15 ml Triple Sec
  • 7.5 ml Grenadine
  • 60 ml Orange Juice
  • 60 ml Pineapple Juice

While a very potent drink, making it is relatively simple to put together. Pour all the ingredients into a mixer with a handful of ice and shake well. Can be served on ice or blended in. If you wish you can add a cherry or pineapple for garnish. Personally, I would rather use these awesome Dalek Tumblers pictured below 🙂

Please Note: Unlike The Cybermen cocktail listed below, out of all the Doctor Who Cocktails, we do not recommend upgradings this one. It is already very strong and sometimes your ‘hardware’ just can’t handle the upgrade.

The Doctors Sonic Screwdriver

The Doctor without his sonic screwdriver is just unheard of. This device has been a long-standing aid to the Doctor since 1968. While only used three times by the second Doctor and more and more later in time.

Without getting too technical (or sci-fi nerdy), it is a multi-functional tool. The abilities of the Sonic Screwdriver include (but are not limited to #LawyerTalk)

  • Used to unlock locks and doors (although the Doctor has sometimes said “it does not work on wood… so wooden locks… forget it)
  • Can burn or cut through almost any substance
  • Can be used as a remote detonator or blow up machines
  • The abilities to amplify sound waves
  • Hack devices used to transfer data (including someone consciousness)
  • Detect signals
  • Much more, the abilities of this device is has a list so long it probably be best if you check it out here.

Fun Fact: The sonic screwdriver was written out of the series in 1982 due to it being perceived as being too limited (seems ironic with the above list). However, in the 1996 telemovie, it had reemerged and has to stay strong with every incarnation of the Doctor since then.


  • 45 ml Vanilla Vodka
  • 45 ml Blue Curacao
  • 180 ml Lemon-Lime Soda (clear no bits)

Fill a 360 ml glass with ice. Pour the Vanilla Vodka, Blue Curacao, and lemon-lime soda over the ice. I must stress to only use lemon-lime soda that is clear, you do not want fruity bits in your cocktail. Stir and enjoy. An interesting drink in that the sonic screwdriver is very versatile and simple to make. Please note that if you drink this cocktail it will not give you all the powers/abilities listed above 😉

The Cybermen – You Will Be Upgraded

A race of cyborgs that have no emotions and are on a quest to ‘upgrade’ humans to join their army which are called Cybermen. In many ways, they are like the Borg from Star Trek (try out their Borg Queen) in that they are trying to assimilate others and constantly upgrade themselves through the use of technology. Their unrelenting pursuit of trying to upgrade everyone constantly has made them a longstanding and fearful enemy of the doctor.


  • 4 to 5 sprigs of mint
  • 22.5 ml Lime Cordial
  • 15 ml Agave Nectar
  • 30 ml silver tequila
  • 120 ml club soda
  • 30 ml blue curacao

To start off, you should put the mint, agave nectar and lime cordial into a glass or even a mixing bowl. Muddle the content well / vigorously. Add the rest of the ingredients into the bowl. Fill a mixer until it is around three-quarters full with ice. Take the content from the glass/mixing bowl and pour into a Collins glass. Add mint and lime garnish and prepare to be ‘upgraded’.

Additional Upgrade: If you want to ‘upgrade’ this Doctor Who Cocktail – simply add an extra shot of tequila.

The Doctors Wife – Hello Sweetie

Did you know the Doctor had/has a wife (all this time travel stuff can get confusing)? Her name is River Song and is the daughter of Amy and Rory (companions of the 11th doctor). Because she was conceived on the Tardis while it travelled through the time vortex she was born with the same abilities and genetic traits to that of the Doctor. In essence, she is part Time Lord and part Human. She is the complete polar opposite to the doctor in that she is more extroverted and more likely to take action. Whenever she greets the Doctor she always says “Hey Sweetie”,


  • 60 ml Gin
  • 30 ml Elderflower liqueur
  • 15 ml Lime Juice (freshly squeezed or bottled)
  • Lime Wheel (Optional)

Put the ingredients into a cocktail shaker. Filled cocktail shaker with ice. Shake vigorously and serve with ice. Add lime wheel for flair just as River Song would.


Gallifrey Rises

The Doctors people are from a planet called Gallifrey which has 2 suns. It was the Doctor who time locked his own people (The Time Lords of Gallifrey) alongside the Dalek’s. This was because it was the most powerful war ever waged and no matter who won it would have been the end of the universe. The universe was at peace for many years until the Time Lords found a way to escape their time prison and enter back into the universe. This cocktail is for the Gallifrey people who nearly escaped to become the greatest threat to the universe. It is also a reference to the planet having 2 suns.


  • 60 ml Vodka
  • 30 ml Pineapple Juice
  • 30 ml Lime Juice
  • Orange Juice
  • Grenadine
  • 2 Orange Slices

Fill a tall or Collins glass to the top with ice then pour the pineapple and lime juice in. Fill the remainder of the glass with orange juice then slowly stir. Next, slowly pour the grenadine into the glass and let it sink to the bottom. Put two orange slices on the edge of the glass to symbolise the 2 suns of Gallifrey and their symbolic rise back to power. Sip with care and stare into the sunset (your drink).

Time To Regenerate

From time to time there is a new Doctor which is always sad to see the old one go but excited to see the new one arrive. Each time this happens the Doctors body bursts with an amazing amount of energy that almost resembles fire. This Doctor Who Cocktail celebrates the moment the doctor regenerates from the old into the new.


  • 60 ml Vodka
  • 120 ml part Sprite
  • 120 ml Red Bull
  • 30 ml Pineapple Juice

Pour all of the listed ingredients into a cocktail mixer. Fill with ice and shake… shake like your bursting with energy! Pour the contents into a tall or Collins glass and top with ice. Take a sip, feel the energy pulsing through your body and regenerate!


The Time Travelling TARDIS

The Doctor travelled in what appeared to be a blue time travelling police box. Turns out it was actually a TARDIS which stands for – Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. besides being able to travel anywhere in space and time, it also has a chameleon circuit which means it could change shape to match its surroundings. So if it was in medieval times, it could turn into the shape of a hut or if it was on a modern day construction site, it could turn into a port-a-loo to blend in. Unfortunately, early on in the Doctors adventures, the chameleon circuit broke and the TARDIS is permanently stuck in the shape of the now iconic blue police box.


  • 60 ml Hpnotiq
  • 30 ml crème de violette
  • 22.5 ml vodka
  • 15 ml blue curaçao
  • Optional slice of Orange or Lemon full round slice for garnish
  • Optional Edible Gold Stars

Grab a cocktail shaker and pour all the liquid ingredients into the shaker and strain into a cocktail glass. Add the orange or lemon wedge to simulate a sun that you are travelling past. Also, garnish with edible gold stars from food stores. Alternatively, you can use gold flake vodka so the stars are in the drink (but this is not as commonly available).

Pour all the ingredients into a mixer and shake, strain into a shot glass.

Doctor Who Themed Cocktails – There Are Plenty More

This list above was just a handful of the Doctor Who themed cocktails out there. Feel free to use this list, find other Doctor Who Themed Cocktails or simply add your own personal twist. Remember the wedding is about the two of you and if it includes your love of Doctor Who, then that’s great.

Check out our other wedding-themed cocktail blog guides:

Which of these was your favourite Doctor Who Themed Cocktails? Is there a Doctor Who cocktail you feel we left off the list? Would you use any of these Doctor Who themed cocktails at your wedding? Let us know and join the discussion down below 🙂

What To Look For In A Wedding Supplier – Vlog

Are you confused on what to look for in a wedding supplier? Are you finding that there are just too many out there for you to pick from for your special day? Check out some of our tips.

What To Look For In A Wedding Supplier

Here is our guide on the top 3 things we suggest you do before booking a supplier for your wedding:

Check Out Their Reputation

We know that most people are driven by cost and value, but you should also look at a supplier’s reputation. That $50 saving is not going to be worth it if they are late or don’t deliver what it was that you were expecting.

A simple Google search could save you many headaches down the track. Check through their website and reviews. Look for examples of their work and past client feedback. See how active they are on social media and blogs. This gives you reassurance that they know what they are doing and are still active in the industry.

A couple share a kiss on their wedding day

Meet With Them

You wouldn’t buy a house without looking at it. The same goes for a job interview as you would not hire someone without meeting them first.

Therefore, be sure to meet with your wedding suppliers to see where they work, what they are offering you and if you ‘click’. A great place to meet suppliers is at a wedding expo where you can chat with them and organise a time to see them at their office or studio and go through what you are after.

Put It All In writing

This is very important as a contract with terms and conditions will outline exactly what you are getting. This will avoid confusion and keep things clear later down the track. The last thing you want is to pay a deposit for a service now, then 12 months later get into an agreement on what you each thought was included. You want this all organised before anything is signed.

Furthermore, I hope our tips are helpful to you in knowing what to look for in a wedding supplier for your wedding day.

If you would like more tips and advice, please like this video and follow us for regular updates on our Wedding Planning Advice Series.

Until next time Happy Planning!

How has your experience been in meeting with wedding suppliers/vendors? What did you ask them? Do you have any tips for other couples meeting with suppliers? Let us know and join the discussion down below 🙂

Wedding Planning Vlog With Stephanie

This is part of our fortnightly vlog (video series) to help couples through their wedding planning journey. Be sure to subscribe to our Pink Caviar YouTube channel or Facebook Page for regular updates and future episodes. Click here for a list of all of the episodes in the Wedding Planning Advice Vlog series.

What do you look for when you are finding the right wedding supplier? What questions would you like answered in this vlog series? Let us know and join the discussion below 🙂

Check out some of out other Vlog Series Down Below 🙂

Corporate Party Entertainment Options – Top 6 Ideas

Not all parties/events are the same, and the same goes for corporate events. Therefore it goes without saying that the entertainment options/idea at a corporate event would be different from a birthday, wedding and so on.  You may suprised to find out what is avalibale and the amazing broad range of options avaliable. If you are putting togther a corporate party lets take a look at the top 6 corporate party entertainment options out there.

Top 6 Corporate Party Entertainment Options

This awards night was also a recognition of longest members and a fundraiser for Youth off the Streets

Live Music

There is nothing quite like listening to live music. When you host your event, consider finding some local talent your guests will enjoy. If your guests are of a certain age or if you have an international delegation you can find music to suit almost everyone. Musical talent ranges from solo singers right through to an entire orchestral band.

Live Entertainment

Live entertainment is different to live music in that this is more about having a live act. For example, you may want someone to entertain your guests during the evening such a comedian, magician, and so on. It can also include musicians, especially if the musicians are a brand/name in their own right; otherwise, they will generally play as background music.


Having your portrait drawn is always fun and entertaining. Have you ever considered a professional caricaturist as entertainment for your event? I do not mean the one at kids parties but professional caricaturists who specialise in corporate events. Caricaturists are a great entertaining way people can have their portrait done in a comical style. They can have a laugh with their colleagues and have something to talk about and also take home with them.

Photo Booth

Photo booths have been around for over ten years now, and over time, they have become more and more sophisticated. Whether you like photo booths or not, they are here to stay. Besides taking your photo and printing it out, they can do so much more. Did you know that they have branding and green screen functionality, which is great for your company/corporate party image? The photos taken are also great for an internal newsletter and many other uses. Plus many of them can upload live onto social media for that extra boost of social media awareness. Photo booth shots are more impromptu compared to when a traditional photographer takes a photo. People tend to pose more formally with photographers. Check out our photo booth to for your event.

As far as corporate party entertainment options, photo booths are great, especially for external activations. We delved deep into corporate photo booths and what to look for, so check it out.

Activities Based on the Party Theme

Activities are fun and exciting. If your event has a particular theme, then you can play off the theme/concepts and create activities based on it. For example, if you are hosting a ‘Survivor’ theme, you can have activities and challenges for each table. One by one, each table is eliminated until only one remains for the main prize (smaller elimination prizes can be handed out throughout the night).

Another example is to have a casino theme, and you can have roulette tables to make your event a mini-casino. The casino theme with roulette tables will bring your party to life instead of just dressing/styling your corporate party a certain way.

Live Auctions

Live auctions are great because they can either be done upon the main stage or throughout the night. Party guests can bid for items of interest, and the money can go to charity. Not only do people get into the thrill of the auction but also they know the money they are spending is going to a good cause.

Corporate Party Entertainment Options – So Much To Choose From

No matter what entertainment options you will choose for your corporate party/event, we can all agree that there are a lot of choices available. If you need a hand bringing some unique entertainment options for your corporate party, then do not hesitate to contact us.

Are you planning a corporate party/event? What type of entertainment have you been looking at having? Let us know down below and join the discussion today 🙂