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Creating Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Events

Sustainable event management is possible. Event planning and event management are constantly bringing large crowds of people together, generating waste, and are generally the opposite of sustainable or green, but the good news is it doesn’t have to be like that. By creating sustainable and eco-friendly events, you can help educate your attendees about the importance of conserving resources and reducing their impact on the environment.

Creating Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Events

sustainable and eco-friendly events

Being conscious of environmental impact isn’t just on-trend; it’s a necessity for all businesses in the 21st century. Now more than ever, consumers are more conscious and more aware of the impact they’re having on the environment and how well we’re taking care of the world. In order to stay competitive and continue to grow, businesses must embrace sustainable practices and create events that are environmentally friendly as well.

There are a number of ways to create sustainable and eco-friendly events, but the most important thing is to think about the impact your event will have on both you and the environment. By planning your event carefully, you can ensure that your guests have a positive experience while also reducing environmental waste.

In this article, we will outline some tips on how to create green, sustainable and eco-friendly events without sacrifice on your part or on the part of the attendees.

Planning a sustainable event begins with planning your budget. Try to find ways to cut costs without compromising on quality or your guests’ overall experience. One way to do this is to look into green event supplies and services that can be used in lieu of more traditional items. For example, you could rent an acoustic guitar instead of purchasing one, or ask local nurseries to provide free plants for a photo booth set up. By being conscious of your spending, you can make sure that every dollar goes towards enhancing the event experience rather than harming the environment.

Location, location!

The first major consideration you should make is where you’re holding your event. Try to pick a location that is as sustainable and environmentally friendly as possible. When choosing a venue, think about things like energy usage, transportation options and waste disposal. By picking a green and sustainable location, you can set the tone for your event and encourage your guests to be mindful of their environmental impact.

You’ll want to focus your attention on locations that have already made a dedicated effort to limit their environmental impact and have transparency with their customers on how they are achieving that.

Many venues now offer green cleaning services, sustainable catering options, and recyclable or compostable materials. If your event is large enough, you might also be able to negotiate a sponsorship from a local environmental organisation that can provide eco-friendly amenities for free or at a reduced cost. Some locations and venues can give you that information upfront. They will already have a package together to show you or a dedicated person who can answer those questions and work with you to find whatever you need to keep your event green and sustainable.

Reducing event waste

A big source of pollution that happens at events is waste and garbage. Planning for waste disposal is important. Many events generate a lot of waste, from catering supplies to discarded paper goods. plan for proper waste disposal and minimise the amount of waste that’s created by your event.

To eliminate a good amount of waste, make your event paperless. Send electronic invites out, or use a digital ticketing system in place of paper tickets. Another great suggestion is to use an event app to send out the program or schedule. It’s also a great way to get audiences involved and all responses in one place. Instead of giving out water bottles and items that are individually wrapped, have glasses and pitchers of water in common gathering areas so that they can get drinks. If you are giving out souvenirs or swag bags, try using recyclables or repurposed bags instead of plastic. Choose items that use sustainable wrappings.

Consider selecting environmentally friendly materials and products when possible. This can include using recycled or environmentally friendly materials, choosing organic foods and drinks, and using energy-efficient lighting, decorations and furnishings.

When it comes time to choose what materials to use for your event, you should always think about how eco-friendly those materials are. Some items you might want to avoid using include plastic water bottles, Styrofoam cups and containers, food packaging made from non-recyclable materials such as paper or plastic (even if it says it’s recyclable), and most synthetic fabrics. Instead, look for sustainable materials that can be easily recycled or composted after your event is over.

Taxi Transport

Eco-Friendly transport

Why not promote eco-friendly transportation options? Consider using public transportation, carpooling, or biking to get to and from the event. Educate your guests about the impact their actions have on the environment.

Another major consideration will be how far your attendees will have to travel and what sort of transportation it will take them to get there. Is the location close to the airports, hotels, or other modes of public transportation? Can your participants easily walk to the location from where they are staying or living? Is carpooling an option? When you choose your location, this will be a big consideration because fossil fuels from transportation are one of the biggest polluters on Earth.

If there is an option, see if you can set up group transport options or a shuttle service. Encourage participants to walk, bike, use public transport, or carpool to events to cut down on their environmental impact.

Educating guests and delegates

There are a number of ways to create sustainable and eco-friendly events without compromising on fun or entertainment. Utilising green and eco-friendly technologies, like incorporating environmental education into your events by educating attendees about environmental issues and how they can help improve the world.

Why not give your guests opportunities to get involved? Have a contest or give away eco-friendly prizes for those who take the most proactive steps to save the environment. Try incorporating eco-friendly programming into your events, such as recycling workshops, genealogy tours, or plant swaps.

By taking some simple steps, you can create an event that not only looks great on paper but also has a positive impact on the environment.

In conclusion

Being conscious of the environment while hosting an event can be surprisingly easy if you take the time to plan ahead and pay attention to detail. By incorporating green and eco-friendly technologies, environmentally friendly programs, and promoting public transportation options, you can create an event that not only looks great but also has a positive impact on the environment. You can create truly sustainable and eco-friendly events that will positively impact the environment and your guests.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of things you can do to plan sustainable and eco-friendly events, but they will certainly help to eliminate your carbon footprint and be environmentally conscious while still ensuring everyone has a great time and harming the environment. It will also show that you are a progressive-thinking event planner and that you have more than one way of helping those around you live in a better, healthier world.

Creating sustainable and eco-friendly events is possible – with a bit of preparation and effort, you can make your event an environmentally friendly success!

Wedding Guest Speech Guide With Examples

One question that comes to us from time to time is “Can guests speak at our wedding and how do we go about it?”. In simple terms, the answer is yes you can have a wedding guest speech/speeches. After all it is your wedding and you can have it how you see fit. While not one of the traditional speech nor even one of the uncommon ones like a bridesmaid or groomsmen speech some of the guests would like to say a few words as well from time to time.

Wedding Guest Speech

Generally speaking one or a few people may wish to speak. It totally depends on the attitude of the couple and the relationship of the guests. There are a few ways to go about organising this. It also lowers the chance guests who are intoxicated from getting up doing the ‘random drunk speech’ specially if they know they are speaking later.

When To Have The Guests Speak

A good time to have the wedding guests speak is to have them as part of the other speeches. Depending on how it is structured (advised down below of how this can be done). There are few options regarding this. You can have it after all the speech’s excluding the grooms speech as the groom is to have the final word.

Selectively Choose Beforehand

There may be guests who are either relatives or family friends who you would like to speak at the wedding. These are people who you have known through the years and you and/or they would like to make a toast or a speech for the wedding couple.

Let People Know In The Wedding Invite

If you want to open it up to your guests and select speakers beforehand then send it out in addition to the wedding invitation. Do not think that everyone will want to speak but the good thing about this method is that no one will feel left out and have something nice to say. Include guidelines such as no more than 2 minutes otherwise, the speeches could literally go on for hours. This also prevents drunk uncle Garry from getting up mid-dinner and toasting something stupid. He would have at least prepared something for the right time.

Ask On The Night

This method is more impromptu but can be more fun for a wedding guest speech. There are some who will not speak because they did not have time to prepare. Other than that the same rules of no more than 2 minutes otherwise the speeches will go on for hours. The only concern is the speeches will be ‘off the cuff’ and ‘anything goes’ as they say. There are 2 methods of asking people on the night. Firstly let them know beforehand when the reception first starts to give them some time to think of something.

Secondly have an open invitation to speak as the floor is open now. From experience it is better to at least let people know at the beginning of the reception to give them time to prepare.

Setting The Ground Rules

While we touched on it earlier the simple fact is that a wedding guest speech will me a lot harder to control than just the main bridal party crew. The reason for this is that for the bridal party they know if they are speaking or not with plenty of notice. Whether you have announced on the night or before hand set your foot down on the limitation’s. Below are some basic guides to help with this.

Speeches From Across The Globe

If you have a family member who is unable to physically attend. This could be for medical reasons, they live overseas or anything else. If enough time is allowed then you can have them record a speech and play it on the night. This can be done as a video file or as a YouTube Link. Unless you know you have internet access a video file is always best to have on hand just in case. You can even live stream a speech (Even in 360 as a live steam for your wedding) but again ONLY if you have internet access and the ability to project it via a live stream. You may need to speak to the venue or person in charge of the equipment on the night.

Another option is to use someones mobile phone as a hot spot but as long as they are aware that it may incur them extra charges as they are using their own personal data. Also if you do decide to use a phone as a hot spot then make sure that you have reception.

Time Limit

A good example above is we said 2 minutes to speak as some couple speak for hours. A small buffer of 30 seconds is acceptable if they are wrapping up their point of the story but not if they are waffling non stop. Let the wedding guests know that there is a time limit. This way there is no excuse and will prevent guests making a 2 hour speech.

Obvious Time Limit Signals

Whether it be a noise like a beep, someone saying “2 minutes” or a flash of light on a projector there needs to be a clear indicator otherwise people may go over without realising. You cam also have the MC advice if the speaker is going over time in a subtle yet obvious way.

Reign In On The Topics Guests Can Speak About

This is easier to mange if not spontaneous on the night. Advise guests on limitation of topics. For example family politics is a no go zone and advise to focus on the couple. If this is done on the night then do not say “do not talk about family politics or X topic”. Advise everyone that their focus should be about the couple and leave it at that. The MC can be used on the night to advice everyone beforehand on topics  if required.

In-house Jokes To A Minimum

This is something we mentioned in our Wedding Speech Handy Hints guide but there is a high chance you may not know one half of the room. If there is a family joke then if possible explain it or not say them so that one side done not feel left out OR half the room being quite while the other half laughs. Also if you are a friend of either the bride or the groom then chances are that not really anyone knows you and no one will get your jokes except for the bride or groom.

Check out the below wedding guest speech as an example to use along side the guide.

That’s A Wrap For The Wedding Guest Speech

There you have it a basic guide of how to organise your wedding guest speech. We strongly recommend they check out the Wedding Speech Handy Hints guide to brush up on how to do a good speech that is well structured. Good luck and happy speaking.

Feel free to check out our other wedding speech guides down below. Here we give you guides for the perfect speech on your wedding day (or anyone else speaking).

Let us know if this guide help you with writing you speech. Have you been to a wedding and heard a great maid of honour speech? Or did you hear one that could have been better? Let us know and join the discussion below 🙂

Considerations for Outdoor Weddings – Vlog

Considerations for Outdoor Weddings

Today we are going to look at considering the weather when planning an outdoor wedding.

So, you have always wanted to walk down the aisle in an outdoor setting to say I Do. You have it all pictured in your mind. It’s a nice sunny day; there is a beautiful green lawn with rose petals leading you to your smiling partner. You have white chairs for our guests and a cool summer breeze at your back– the perfect wedding day!.

Permits are arranged, guests invitations are sent and ceremony furniture and decorations are organised to be set up. As much as you can wish and pray for perfect weather, sometimes things don’t always go to plan. Other times, the weatherman could get it very wrong.

Our advice is to be prepared for wet as well as hot weather. Make sure you have a plan for when to make the final call, who will help to reset things and how to advise guests if needed. Here are some of our considerations for outdoor weddings.

Wet Weather

For wet weather a backup location or possibility a marquee could be helpful. We can help you with the logistics of getting this set up in time as you will need the manpower to relocate your furniture and decorations. We can also help you in getting the message out to all your guests in case they need to drive to another location.

Let’s face it, are you really going to ask your bridal party to call each and every guest as they are getting ready themselves or ask your family and friends to move the set up for you while in their formal attire? This is where our team could come in handy for you and help reduce any stress. We are on the ground ready and watching the forecast. We also ensure that we communicate all movements with you for peace of mind, notify all suppliers and can also get the message out to all your guests to let them know of the change of plans.

Hot And Sunny Weather

For hot weather, some shade and cool drinks would help keep your guests happy. If there are no trees in the area, a marquee and large umbrellas can provide shade for your guests. Our team can help with guest fans and a hydration station with cool drinks and sunscreen if needed.

So, when planning your outdoor wedding, be sure to check out our considerations for outdoor weddings. Be sure to consider a wet weather backup plan and if you are getting married in the warmer months, consider something to keep your guests relaxed, cool and happy.

If you would like our help with these, please contact us. Our team is ready and willing to help you.

Until next time, Happy Planning!

Are you planning/did you have your wedding outside? Did you have a backup / alternative location if it rained? Let us know and join the discussion down below 🙂

Wedding Planning Vlog With Stephanie

This is part of a fortnightly vlog (video series) to help couples through their wedding planning journey. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel or Facebook Page for regular updates and future episodes. Click here for a list of all of the episodes in the Wedding Planning Advice Vlog series.

Wedding Stylist Vs Hire Company: Whats The Difference

A short time ago we were exhibiting at an expo and a couple of interesting things happened. Firstly people were not sure of the difference between a florist and a wedding stylist. Secondly and perhaps the most prominent were potential clients who were not sure what the difference was between a wedding stylist versus hire company. The main issue we heard was “But you both have items I want to use for my event. While this is technically correct, there is a big difference between how things are handled.

Differences Between a Stylist, Florist & Hire Company

What A Wedding Stylist Does

A wedding stylist shapes the various elements of the wedding to give the look and feel of the event. This includes everything from decorations, lighting, music and much more. Not only will they supply the items but also deliver, coordinate with all other suppliers, set up and pack away – no hassles from your side.

A good stylist can combine all these elements that will turn a simple room with tables and chairs to an atmosphere of excitement and fun. Some elements such as furniture hire or lighting may come from a hire company. But they are an element of the bigger picture.

What A Florist Does

Its in their name, florist. They will supply you with the florals required for your event. The difference between them and a wedding stylist is that they will only supply you with their stock. As in flowers from them and any vases from their shop. They will not supply you with other items to complete your decor like signage, frames, linens, drapes, lights, candles etc. To access all these items you need a wedding stylist.

What A Hire Company Does

A hire company is a company that literally hires out items for your event. This is mostly decorations, lighting, draping and furniture. However the fundamental difference is that they do not style or place anything and leave that to you. There are times where you can pay extra for them to set up the lighting and draping but generally that’s more to do with safety issues like certain licences to work above certain heights and so on.

Wedding Stylist Versus Hire Company

Now that you know the difference between a wedding stylist versus hire company we can clarify the differences. Generally speaking hire companies will have a warehouse of various items ranging from decorations to furniture. While a hire company can sometimes be a cheaper are you are just hiring the item they can at times be more expensive if not used properly.

A good examples is that you might like a certain couch and a hire company can either say ‘pick it up from our warehouse so you do not have to pay for transport’. This means you need to call in favors with family and friend or take time out of your day to hire a truck or van which can cost you more. Then you will have to drop it off back to them afterwards. Most companies will request that their items are cleaned (which can involve extra work on your side). Sometimes you will arrange delivery from the hire company but they only drop it off at street level and you will have to get in early before the event to bring upstairs and set it up costing you valuable time when you could be doing something else.

A stylist will arrange everything from drop off and have staff available to position everything to your liking. At the end of the event they will arrange to have everything taken away. One is a complete solution and one is a part of the process. Pending your circumstance and whatever you decide, make you have thought out the logistics of it all. The last thing you want is to assume certain aspects are included and then find out they are not. This includes checking everything from inclusions, pricing, time and availability. If you need a hand we are happy to help, contact us today 🙂

Check Out Our Vlog About Wedding Styling & Colours below or check out the full wedding styling vlog.

Have you ever used a hire company or wedding stylist for your wedding or event? What were your thoughts with them? Join the discussion down below 🙂

Father Of The Groom Speech Guide With Examples

Congratulations your son is getting married and you are speaking at his wedding and going to present a Father of the Groom Speech. Obviously you are proud and want to convey a heart felt speech to not just him but also everyone attending.

We decided to write a how-to guide for a Father Of The Groom Speech. This is because there are many examples with no guide on how to structure them. If there is a guide, then its just bullet points but mostly its just videos of other speeches. So we decided to dedicate this page on a solid guide that will help you give the best speech on your son’s wedding day.

A good idea is to check out our Wedding Speech Handy Hints page as a general rule of thumb on speeches (specifically wedding speeches in general). The only tip from that apart from below is to keep in mind that your speech should be between 4-6 minutes). At the end of the guide, I will give out tips specific to anyone doing a Father Of The Groom Speech.

Father of the Groom Speech Guide

Introduce Yourself & Thank People For Attending

Half the people should know who you are because you are the groom’s father. Unfortunately, not everyone on the bride’s side may know you. A simple introduction of who you are is customary, this is so everyone is on the same page. Then a simple thanks to everyone for attending always goes nicely.

Talk About The Groom (your son)

This is the moment that you can tell the world how proud you are of your son. Talk about how he was as a son growing up, any achievements, personal traits or notable stories. While it is ok to have some funny stories and be humorous, please remember that he is your son. While you can consider him your friend at the end of the day, you are his father and a respectful speech is more appropriate. Leave the mild roasting to the best man speech.

Talk About The Bride (your now daughter-in-law)

Talk about your thoughts about your new daughter-in-law. You can share your memories of how you first met her and any positive qualities that she has.

Talk About The Two As A Couple

This part is a little different compared to just talking about the bride and groom. Talk about them as a couple and how being together brings out the best in them (give examples). Also as you have known your son longer (because he is your son), feel free to talk about how his bride brings out the best in him.

Thanking People Who Helped With The Wedding

Here is where you thank people for helping out to put your son’s wedding together. If a family member or friend donated their time or services mention who they are and what they did. For example, if a family friend is a tailor and helped tailor the bridal party’s suits or if the bride’s friends helped with making those ever fun invitations that take all weekend 😡 Try to mention everyone because it’s always nice to be recognised for the work they do.

Short Story, Poem Or Quote (optional)

To help end the speech nicely a common (yet optional) thing to do is end your speech with a quote, short story or poem. If there is a family saying, song or something with heritage then that will make it even more personal. This is to give the couple something to think about and inspire them as they start their lifelong journey together.

You Want Grandchildren (optional)

As time goes on, I often hear either the father of the groom or bride make a very strong (and often comical note) that they want grandchildren. This is perfectly fine, and usually a light-hearted jab saying “you are ready and waiting for the grandchildren” or “have children sooner than later for the free daycare” are popular options. Also if the couple dated for many many years before they got married and have no kids you can say “can you hurry up and have grand-kids already… your mother and I have been waiting long enough”. This paragraph is where you can let your “dad jokes” shine with excellence but not over the top.

Make A Toast

The hard part is finally over and all you need to do is make a toast. To end things off nicely raise a toast to the bride and groom to finish off the Father of the Groom Speech.

Check out the below father of the groom speech video example as inspiration for your wedding speech along with this guide. Alternatively you can see this video on YouTube directly.

Pro Tips Specifically For The Father Of The Groom Speech

Below are a collection of tips specifically for the father of the groom speech.

  • Some fathers are jokesters and while its perfectly fine to have humour in your speech do not go overboard. The father of the groom speech is about your son. Sometimes a father can go from funny to roasting him and can ruin your son’s wedding day. The last thing you want is for your son to say “Why on earth did you say that Dad?”.
  • Dad jokes are great and feel free to make as many dad jokes during your father of the groom speech, just don’t ‘pun-tificate’ every joke.
  • You are allowed to show emotion. I am not saying to be all blubbery, but sometimes a father can be a little reserved in their approach. It is fine if you wish to be a little sentimental and show some emotion.
  • There are some cases where the father of the groom is unable to speak. This can be for many reasons which can include medical, estranged, passed on or just a complete fear of public speaking. It is perfectly acceptable to have the mother of the groom or someone else to speak on behalf of him.

That’s A Wrap – Father Of The Groom Speech

Hopefully, this guide helped you to create a great speech at your son’s wedding. The only last piece of advice I can give is that “there are no rules”. Use the above as a guide to creating a speech that is tailored just for you. If your speech is longer or shorter than the suggested time, then that’s fine. If you want to add in something different, then that’s also great. The main piece to focus on (besides practising) is to make it count. I would rather have someone present a great 2-minute speech that brings the entire reception to tears that a 10-minute speech (or 2 hours speech) that everyone is bored of.

If you liked that father of the groom speech video above and want other sources of wedding speech, feel free to check out our YouTube page for other examples of speeches. While not ‘father of the groom specific’ it can be great for brainstorming sessions and getting ideas.

Peter Cassimatis: Father Of The Groom SpeechThis page is dedicated to my father Peter Cassimatis who passed away at the time of writing this post. He was a loving father and husband and will be missed but not forgotten.

Other Wedding Speech Guides

Feel free to check out our other wedding speech guides down below. Here we give you guides for the perfect speech on your wedding day (or anyone else speaking). This is a great resource to give to the bridal party or anyone speaking at a wedding.

Let us know if this guide helps you with writing your speech and let us know how it went! Have you been to a wedding and heard a great father of the groom speech? Or did you hear one that could have been better? Let us know and join the discussion below 🙂

Maid Of Honour Speech Guide With Examples

Congratulations you are the maid of honour (or matron of honour), and you have decided to give a speech. The Maid Of Honour Speech is entirely optional, and what makes it fun is that you do not have to do it alone. The Maid of Honour Speech is focused on the bride and from the perspective of being her friend. Below is a basic guide which will also include ideas and the option to include other bridesmaids. Do not forget to check out our wedding speech handy hints guide on wedding speech basics.

How To: Maid Of Honour Speech / Matron Of Honour Speech Guide


Just like the other speeches, the Maid Of Honour should always introduce themselves. While the majority of the wedding party will know you, there will be some that do not. This also includes the bridesmaids if they are speaking as well.

Thank Everyone For Attending:

The Maid Of Honour should give thanks to the people who attended. You only have to touch on it briefly as other speakers would have already touched on it beforehand.

How Do You Know The Bride:

Give a little story of how you know the bride (be it through school, relative and so on). Feel free to talk about what she was like when you first met her and if there was a funny or interesting way you both had met. A great example in a maid of honour speech is a bride who mentioned how the 2 of them met because they didn’t get the memo their uni class was cancelled. They were the only 2 in an auditorium of 500 sitting quietly for half enough before even questioning why they were the only 2.

A Couple Of Stories:

In this part of the speech, have a story or 2 about the bride that might be funny or just a great story to tell. Unlike the best man speech roasting the best man… your speech can be funny with a humorous poke at the bride but don’t cross that line otherwise friendships can be in trouble. It can be stories of you both grew up together, an unusual yet funny story you both or just the bride experienced and so on.

How You Met The Groom:

Now it is on to how you met the groom and your initial thoughts of him. Then you can go on to how the groom brings the best out of the bride and how they compliment each other. Feel free to mention any stories of the couple that you feel represent/defines them (could be a funny or endearing story).

In Closing:

In closing, feel free to read a quote, poem or even a little story that ends the speech of nicely about the couple. As always have everyone raise their glasses in honour of the bride and groom. That’s it, and after all that, you should have just delivered an inspiring/impressive speech.

Other Options:

The above speech structure is only relevant if the maid of honour speech is solo and not including the other bridesmaids. However, this speech has the option to be more inclusive than the others and include them. There are a few ways that this can go about wither either the entire bridesmaids taking turns reading different sections of the speech.

Each bridesmaid can tell their own story of how they met the bride and a fun story about her. Another option is to perform a song, poem or group entertainment of some kind. The speech/performance can be performed solo, in the group or even have the crowd involved.

One group bridesmaid speech, for example, was one that had a quiz and engaged the entire audience. Everyone logged onto a specific website to answer multiple choice questions in real time about the bride and groom. This went on for a good 15 minutes, and the entire audience was completely engaged. All the points tallied in real time on a projected screen. The person with the fastest/most correct answers wins a prize. It was very enjoyable to watch and took the pressure off the speakers. This is something that is uniquely tailored for the bride and groom and got the entire audience involved.

Check out the maid of honour speech below as inspiration for your wedding speech along with this guide or check out the YouTube link for this speech.

Maid Of Honour Speech: In Closing

I normally advise the speech to only go for roughly 4-6 minutes. As this speech is unique as it can involve multiple people, it can go on for quite a bit longer. More so if it a group activity engaging the entire audience. In other words, the more people involved, the longer in leeway, you have time wise. Feel free to check out our wedding planning YouTube Channel for inspiration from other speeches we have on there.

Other Wedding Speech Guides

Feel free to check out our other wedding speech guides down below. Here we give you guides for the perfect speech on your wedding day (or anyone else speaking).

Let us know if this guide helps you with writing your speech. Have you been to a wedding and heard a great maid of honour speech/matron of honour speech guide? Or did you hear one that could have been better? When you did your maid of honour speech, was there anything you think we should add? Let us know and join the discussion below 🙂

How To: Cringy And Worst Wedding Speech Guide With Examples

According to one study they found that wedding speeches are the most commonly talked about thing when people go home after a wedding. The study found 2 things. The first is that 95% of wedding guests will discuss the speeches. Secondly is that at least 50% of those people surveyed mentioned a bad wedding speech nearly ruined a wedding day. In other words, the worst wedding speech they ever heard.

While we have guides on “How To” give a proper speech (links down below) we have also touched on what not to do. We thought it would be a fun idea to combine all the cringiest, worst, cliched and horrible wedding speeches into one guide for your amusement.

15 Worst Wedding Speech Things You Can Do

Be sure to take note so you don’t don’t fall into the same trap if you have to give a wedding speech. You do not want to be known for the “Worst Wedding Speech” someone ever heard. Sit back and enjoy our 15 worst things to do for a wedding speech that we have seen at various weddings and combined it into one funtastic blog.

Do Not Practice Or Simply “Winging It”

If someone utters this phrase when they start their speech, it means that it will be filled with lots of “um’s”, long pauses and trying to scrape for ideas on the go. Sorry to break it to you BUT if you don’t practice then people will think “why did you even both to get up and talk”.

Have Too Much To Drink

Everyone loves a good party especially at a wedding and its fine to have a glass or 2 before your speech. If you drink too much, then you will have a slurred, incoherent speech and risk blurting out inappropriate comments that you may regret later. Especially if the speech is being recorded.

Reference Personal Jokes / Stories That No One Understands

Unless you are willing to explain a personal or private joke, so everyone understands why it was soo funny to you… you will only see tumbleweeds go across the reception. When writing your speech take into consideration that not everyone has your same experiences with the bride and groom. Explain a bit of back story if needed and never assume.

Talk About Stuff The Bride / Groom Have Asked You Not To Talk About

So you remember that time the groom did that embarrassing thing that no one knows about. Unless you are willing to ruin your friendship it is better to not say anything or double check.

Do Not Bring Notes

So you have practised all week but you forgot to bring your notes or you feel soo confident that you just don’t need them. Maybe it was the alcohol talking, the nerves setting in or just the simple fact you are presenting in front of EVERYONE YOU EVER MET that will make you forget aspects of your speech. Even if you don’t need them my suggestion is to have 2 copies. The first is on your phone (for ease of access) and a printed paper copy just in case your phone dies. Even simple dot points to jog your memory (just in case).

Make Overly Sexual / Inappropriate Jokes or References

All your friends think you are hilarious but that (more often than not) is about it. You will be speaking to people of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs. Try to keep it at least at PG or failing that MA15+.

Say You Got This Speech Online ‘Joke’

You know what joke people NEVER hear at weddings… it is this “I got this speech online”. As wedding planners, we hear this joke so often that it is not a question of IF we will hear it but when. We sometimes put bets on WHO will say it first (usually the Groom or Best Man). Sure you got inspiration from somewhere maybe even here but you don’t have to mention it. Just take the credit and look good.

Take Your Clothes Off

This has only happened a couple of times, but while speaking we have seen the best man talk, get nervous, undo bow tie, start unbuttoning shirt… start taking their shirt off… groom tries to save the day and whisper to best man to put his shirt on. This one is one of the more bizarre things to happen.

Make The Wedding About You

Some people just love the spotlight and have from time to time veered off the main points of their speech to tell personal stories about themselves and derail their speech. We have even seen people propose to their significant other or announce a pregnancy?! The audience is interested in stories about the Bride / Groom not about YOU as it is not your day.

Compare This Wedding To Others You Have Been To

We have all been to a wedding, and in some cases you have been to a wedding that just blew your mind as it was just amazing. While that’s great, the wedding you are currently at is not about that another couple. By comparing weddings in your speech you run the risk of isolating the couple. It can make them feel bad in front of everyone and make them feel sub-par. When it is your turn to get married you will see how expensive it can be and being compared to other couples weddings on your day is an unwanted feeling.

Bring Attention To Negative Aspects Of The Wedding You Are At

You are a perfectionist and you have the highest standard of taste and perfection. Did you notice that table 3 has a slightly smaller decorative arrangement? Or the Bridesmaid hair is SOOO 2015? Those bow ties are a slightly different shade compared to the napkins? Just don’t talk about it. Do you not realise how hard it is to get EVERYTHING TO MATCH to the exact same shade and tone… just don’t do this unless you want to be a jerk.

Get Into A Fight While Doing Your Speech

Sure one of the guests annoyed you earlier but picking a fight in front over everyone is NEVER the solution. Just take a moment and relax because this isn’t YOUR moment its about the couple getting married. If this doesn’t make a ‘worst wedding speech’, then I don’t know what will.

Talk Without A Microphone In A Large Room

Hey, whats with the microphone… my voice is BIG, ROBUST and LOUD. Maybe its the alcohol talk but can your voice REALLY carry that far in a big loud echoey room? Just use the microphone and use it like a normal person. This will make you look professional and not appear to be shouting at the other guests.

Profess Your Undying Secret Love To The Bride / Groom

Sure you have been the brides bestie for 20 years or you have had a secret unwavering crush on the groom ever since you met him and must tell everyone during your speech. Do this if want to derail an entire wedding, isolate yourself from everyone including your bestie, ruin a friendship and be known as the person who ruined someones wedding, just don’t do it. Sure in the movies it looks romantic and its accepted by EVERYONE as you run off into the sunset. Realistically you will look like the worst person in history on the day. Either don’t show up or just keep it to yourself. This will quickly make a guests ‘worst wedding speech’ they ever heard.

Drop The Mic (BOOM)

Would it not look cool when you finish your speech by dropping the mic? NO IT WILL NOT! It only works when you are able to walk away and mainly in movies. All that will happen is the speakers will emit a high pitch noise. This will deafen everyone’s ears (including yours) as you walk back to your seat 5 meters away. Only to have someone else pick it up after you. Its just awkward, weird and only for movies.

Worst Wedding Speech Conclusion

So please if you are speaking at a wedding (including your own). Follow the basic rules of what NOT to do and everything should be alright during your speech. This way you will not have the worst wedding speech ever spoken.

This list is always expanding. Feel free to check back from time to time to see other things you should not say or do during a wedding speech.

Feel free to check out our other wedding speech guides down below. Here we give you guides for the perfect speech on your wedding day (or anyone else speaking).

Have you been to any wedding speeches that were just crazy or did anything mentioned above? Join the discussion below 🙂

Wedding Anniversary Meanings: Modern Anniversary Gift

When people think of anniversary gifts, they often think of the traditional gifts of paper, leather, copper and so on. People do not realise is that there is a modern version of the wedding anniversary list. After much interest in our previous blog post Wedding Anniversary: Traditional Gifts, I thought it would be fitting to continue this trend and look into the topic of modern anniversary gift.

Modern Anniversary Gift

Before I begin the look into the modern anniversary gift, there are many common misconceptions about its origins, meanings and so on. I decided to do a little digging and found out the truth behind it all.

Origins Of The Modern Anniversary Gift Guide

The modern anniversary gift list was created by the Chicago Public Library as far back as 1997 and updated till 2000. You can see that while the original page is now gone, the web archive shows the changes as the years went on. Many online articles will say it was created in 2000 but this is clearly not true.

After personally contacting the Chicago Public Library (who were extremely helpful and forthcoming with information) they divulged much about this modern day list. The librarians compiled the list from various sources. Comparative to the traditional anniversary list which every gift has a meaning behind it, this list is based on durability. To literally quote a Librarian from the Chicago Public Library from their response to me they said “Most sources do not ascribe meaning to the different gifts except that the gifts get more durable the longer the marriage goes on.”.

To show this point if you look at gifts within the first few years like Clocks, China and Crystal (to name a few). Compare this to later gifts such as Diamond, Land and Furniture.The 100th anniversary gift is a 10 carat diamond… which is very durable indeed.

So if you are looking for a modern anniversary gift for your significant other then check out the list below. just make sure you have enough funds for the 41st and 42nd gift.

Modern Anniversary Gift List

Anniversary Year

Modern Gift






Crystal, Glass






Wood objects


Desk sets


Linens, Lace


Leather goods




Fashion jewellery


Pearls, Coloured gems


Textiles, Furs


Gold jewellery




Silver Holloware










Brass, Nickel




Silver plate


Musical instruments


Sterling silver


Original pictures






New furniture






Conveyances (e.g., automobiles)








Bone china




Beryl, Tourmaline








Improved real estate








Original poetry tribute




Optical goods (e.g., telescope,


Luxuries, any kind










Diamond, Pearl


Diamond, Sapphire


Diamond, Emerald


Diamond, Ruby


10-carat Diamond

Check out our other Wedding Anniversary Gift Guides below to see what you can get for your significant other:

What are your thoughts on the modern anniversary gift guide? Have you given a gift based on this guide? Comment down below and join the conversation 🙂

Wedding Stylist versus Florist

Over the past few months we have been exhibiting at expos (as we always do). The one thing we noticed is that a lot of florists were advertising themselves as stylists. As we spoke to people they seemed confused what a wedding stylist was. While there are florists who are stylists this isn’t always the case. A lot of people ended up asking us ‘What Is A Wedding Stylist exactly’ and today we intend to answer this question.

The Difference Between a Wedding Stylist & A Florist

What Is A Wedding Stylist?

A wedding stylist is a person that turns someone vision for their wedding into reality. This includes everything from the table decorations, chairs / sashes, centrepieces, ambience of the event, lighting and so on. It can also include the ceremony design and layout, arrangements and more.

A wedding stylist will work with you to work out the little details to make sure everything comes together. Stylists work work with a variety of mediums to bring everything together such as various materials, lighting, flowers and more.

What Is A Florist?

A florist by definition is a ‘person who sells and arranges cut flowers‘. Many florists make amazing centrepieces, bouquets, floral pins and more. Florists are an important part of any wedding. In fact I have never seen or been to a wedding personally that did not use flowers in some capacity. A skilled florist who understands their trade can create some amazing designs.

So Whats the Difference?

The primary difference between the two is that a florists work is with flowers and a stylist will work with any medium to design the event (including flowers). A good comparison I can think of is this. A chef cooks and prepares food and a chocolate maker makes chocolates. While they both involve cooking and preparing the chef can make all types of cuisine. The chocolate maker will focus on delicious chocolate treats and only chocolate treats.

There are shared elements between a stylist and a florist in that they can both make centrepieces for a wedding. The only difference is that a florist will only focus on utilising flowers. There are some exceptions where there are florists who are genuine stylists but some florists will slap on this label to get business.

What To Ask Your Wedding Stylist

If you are engaging a stylist the few simple questions to ask are as follows:

  1. Do you only work with flowers?
  2. Are you able to do my chair covers and sashes?
  3. Can you coordinate and work with the venue to arrange everything?
  4. What if I want to change the furniture, will you source, deliver and supply everything?
  5. Can you also help with clothes,  hair and make-up?

If they only say yes to the first question and no to the others then they are a florist. As mentioned above, stylists work with some amazing florists. That being said the next time you speak to a florist who is claiming to be a stylist, just ask a few simple questions to confirm if they really are on. This can save you from issues down the line if you are wanting a stylist to do everything and not just bouquets and centrepieces. Here at Pink Caviar Events, we can do all the above and more! The next time someone asks ‘What Is A Wedding Stylist‘ you now know the difference.

Check Out Our Vlog On Wedding Styling

If you are interested in hearing more about wedding styles and colours check out our vlog below about it or go to the YouTube Vlog directly. Alternatively you can check out the full wedding styling vlog here.

What is your understanding of a wedding stylist? Have you hired a florist and a stylist before? Join the discussion below and let us know 🙂

Wedding Anniversary Meanings: Anniversary Gemstones

Today we are looking at anniversary gemstones. We will look at each year and list the types of anniversary gemstone. This includes the alternative gemstone you can also give). Underneath the list we go through each of the anniversary gemstones mentioned. We talk about the meaning and significance of them. If you are looking for the perfect gift to give your partner then you can not go past this anniversary gemstones list.

The Anniversary Gemstones Guide

Anniversary Year

Anniversary Gemstone

Alternative Anniversary Gemstone

1st Anniversary Year

Gold Jewellery

Peridot, Pearl

2nd Anniversary Year


Rose Quartz

3rd Anniversary Year


Crystal, Jade

4th Anniversary Year

Blue Topaz

Blue Zircon

5th Anniversary Year


Pink Tourmaline

6th Anniversary Year



7th Anniversary Year


Yellow Sapphire, Golden Beryl

8th Anniversary Year



9th Anniversary Year

Lapis Lazuli

Amethyst, Green Spinel

10th Anniversary Year

Diamond Jewellery

Blue Sapphire

11th Anniversary Year


Citrine, Yellow Zircon

12th Anniversary Year



13th Anniversary Year


Moonstone, Hawk’s Eye

14th Anniversary Year


Bloodstone, Agate

15th Anniversary Year


Rhodolite Garnet, Alexandrite

16th Anniversary Year


Red Spinel

17th Anniversary Year



18th Anniversary Year

Cat’s Eye or Chrysoberyl


19th Anniversary Year


Almandine Garnet

20th Anniversary Year


Yellow or Golden Diamond

21st Anniversary Year


22nd Anniversary Year


23rd Anniversary Year

Imperial Topaz

24th Anniversary Year


25th Anniversary Year


28th Anniversary Year

Orchid Tourmaline


30th Anniversary Year


Diamond, Jade

33rd Anniversary Year


34th Anniversary Year


35th Anniversary Year


Coral, Jade

38th Anniversary Year

Beryl, Tourmaline

40th Anniversary Year


45th Anniversary Year


Cat’s Eye

50th Anniversary Year

Gold Jubilee

Imperial or Golden Topaz

52nd Anniversary Year


55th Anniversary Year


60th Anniversary Year

Diamond Jubilee

Star Ruby

65th Anniversary Year

Blue Spinel

Star Sapphire

70th Anniversary Year

Sapphire Jubilee

Smoky Quartz

75th Anniversary Year

Diamond Jubilee


80th Anniversary Year

Ruby Jubilee

85th Anniversary Year


90th Anniversary Year


95th Anniversary Year



100th Anniversary Year

10 Carat Diamond


Agate is one of the oldest of the healing stones. As a stone of quality, it was utilised as a part of old human advancements, on the breastplates of Armor, to bring warriors quality and make them successful in fight. Agates are defensive stones, this makes them the ideal for special necklaces and medication packs. They additionally bring us boldness, enthusiastic quality and fearlessness.


Since the revelation of alexandrite, the gemstone is thought to bring luck and love. In Russia, it’s considered as a stone to make something better. It’s accepted to be the connection between the physical world and the astral world.


Almandine is referred to as a “Stone of Tangible Truth”. It helps with showing a sensible adaptation of the physical world. Its vitality mitigates stress, frenzy and dread, and helps with keeping up a quiet association with the present. It permits one to see the supreme support of the Universe. Its scholarly properties additionally make it helpful to those investigating the fields of space science, soothsaying, and arithmetic.


Amethyst’s calms the feelings, supports lucidity of thought, and helps with accomplishing shrewdness. It is a stone of the mind which brings placidness and clearness. Amethyst is said to adjust its wearer with instinct, sentiments and qualities. For quite some time, it has been viewed as a guide to temperance and is valuable for fighting liquor, sustenance and different addictions. It is likewise thought to simplicity over the top enthusiastic conduct.


Is related with fearlessness and the arrival of nervousness and dread. Aquamarine is thought to mitigate, quiet, ease fear and help to unwind on long adventures. Many trust that it secures mariners adrift, and averts nausea. Convention holds that it gives understanding and advances mental lucidity.


The bloodstone is an effective healing stone that has been esteemed for a large number of years for its healing vitality. It purges and detoxifies the body, establishing negative vitality and purifying your body’s vitality. Bloodstone additionally builds vitality and quality, advancing a consistent stream of vitality all through the body. It is an extremely advantageous stone for competitors and individuals whose occupations incorporate a ton of physical action.

Blue / Gray Spinel

This type of Spinel will improve separation, particularly about companions and what circumstances we end up noticeably required in, additionally very useful for profound correspondence.

Blue Topaz

Blue topaz is related with fearlessness and beating fears and obstacles. It is a conventional stone for authors, researchers, craftsmen and scholarly people since it is utilised to allow higher considering. Topaz eases mental anguish and advance loyalty, kinship, tenderness and respectability.

Blue Zircon

Since the Middle Ages, zircon has been accepted to energise otherworldly development and the advancement of intelligence. It is said that the people who wear zircon will discover magnificence and peace.


Carnelian is said to draw in success, new assets and good fortunes. It is a charm for achievement in any cash making wander. In the work environment, it is a gem of aspiration, drive and assurance, and avoids undue weights of collaborators or indifferent partnerships with doubtful desires.

Cat’s Eye

Cat’s Eye advances psychic vision, helps you contact positive shamans and soul guides; advances dream work, dream special insight and out of body voyages. This stone has and liking with felines and will allow you to impart and recuperate them.


Chrysoberyl reinforces sentiments of self worth and discharges futile vitality designs. It will help you see both sides of an issue and help you dissect and go to a choice on the right way. It energises absolution for past sins that have been done to you or by you.


Citrine is a stone of light and bliss. It doesn’t hold any negative vitality and in this way never should be purged. Citrine conveys clearness to the people who wear it and shows anything you need to bring into your life. It enacts your creative ability, conveying more imaginative dreams to a clearer mind and a more uplifting viewpoint in life. Controlled by the Sun, Citrine warms, purifies and empowers the body, stimulating and fortifying the sun powered plexus.


Coral has been known as the ‘garden of the sea’. It was accepted to avert ill fortune and offer insurance from skin diseases. Dreams about Coral are accepted to expect recuperation from sickness. Antiquated civic establishments trusted that Mars was made out of Red Coral. Coral is a decent guide for contemplation or perception, as it symbolises life and blood-drive vitality.

Dark Green Spinel

Dark Green Spinel is said to improve relational abilities and additionally increment cash.


Diamonds are accepted to enhance the musings of its client. The people of old additionally utilised Diamonds for detoxification as it is said to shield from toxic substance. As gifts on the anniversary gemstones list, the diamond is the most expensive.


Emerald is a conventional stone, and it is expressed that emerald helps ripeness, enhances visual perception and gives the wearer psychic forces. It is said to lift sadness and soothe a sleeping disorder. Advances self-information, tranquil dreams and energises adjust and tolerance. Emerald is a very popular item on the anniversary gemstones list.


Garnet gemstones are viewed as the stone of energetic commitment; toward family, companions, the self and reason in life. Accepted to invigorate the faculties, and increment essentialness and stamina. Garnet is thought to pull in good fortunes in business wanders.

Golden Beryl

Golden Beryl makes preparations for mental and emotional control of others, disagreeable apparitions, and dim energies of any kind.

Keep a dish of tumbled stones where the sun will sparkle on them to turn away spookiness and to pull in heavenly energies. Golden Beryl is additionally an extraordinary naming-day or initiating present for a tyke as a good-fairy gem.

Hawk’s Eye

Hawk’s Eye used to breathe life into good fortunes. This gem is used to push the spirit back into balance. Aside from treating the issues of the cells, it also improves bone and muscle quality. It is a stone that too recuperates the inward organs of the body, such as, liver and sexual organs. Hawk’s Eye holds the inclination to help the spirit to imagine the otherworldly and material goals and transform them into reality.

Imperial Topaz

Imperial Topaz grasps the honourability of soul, status, individual will and capacity to show one’s wishes. It actuates the Base, Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras. Imperial Topaz also expands the capacity to direct one’s own vitality or Universal vitality into frame. It is a stone of imagination and goals. It produces a plenitude inside the setting of what is suitable for one’s most astounding way. Utilised differently, topaz is a brilliant precious stone for cognizant attunement to the most astounding powers in the universe, and might be utilised to store data, vitality, contemplations and love got in this way. Like a battery, it can revive one profoundly and physically, boosting confidence and positive thinking, and expanding one’s certainty, self-worth and pride in one’s capacities without blowing up the sense of self.


Iolite is said to be the stone of internal vision. Accepted to help one in accomplishing a higher mindfulness level. Likewise thought to be helpful for the end of obligation and to increment budgetary duty.


Jade is profoundly established in Asian history and has been viewed as a strong lucky charm for a considerable length of time. It is a stone that permits you to see past feelings of dread and negative thought designs and rather, energises the sign of dreams and changes them into sensible goals in the physical world. This gemstone likewise helps positive feelings, such as, bravery, liberality, compassion, and life span, all which advance a wealthier and all the more satisfying life.

Lapis Lazuli

A gemstone of inner awareness to ones self, which interfaces the wearer to a higher awareness. It has been in presence since the beginning. This capable stone works by making a sound as if to speak chakra, which improves inventive expression and correspondence. Lapis Lazuli helps you associate with your soul guides, which give intelligence and shield you from pessimism by avoiding hurtful vibes and returning them to their source.

Light Green Spinel

Light Green Spinel is known to be worn when one feels fear.


Moonstone is a stone of predetermination. It linked with the moon and the heavenly female, making it a supportive stone for women. It’s worn to build richness and fit the mind, giving well-being and insurance. Moonstone adjusts the hormone generation, digestion and propagation. It permits profound attached sentiments to invigorate and go to the front line.


Onyx is used to repulse cynicism and shield the wearer from the antagonistic vibe of others. It is a used to reinforce assurance and determination.


Opal as a stone associated with the emotions of love and passion. It is also thought to promote spontaneity, imagination, dreams and healing.


Pearls are refined in inland waters and not the ocean. The oldest Pearl was worn in 4300 BC by a Persian Queen. They are viewed as the bearers of light, excellence and love. They additionally help you to end up noticeably mindful and aware of the issues that we bear with us. Pearls are connected with innocence and helps us to see life through the eyes of compassion.


Peridot has been esteemed for a long several years as a semi-precious healing stone. It is a high-vibrational Heart Chakra precious stone that conveys a positive vitality, particularly accommodating for those experiencing traumatic passionate circumstances. It is the stone for Archangel Raphael and principles the domain of Angelic Virtues. Peridot can bring out genuine love, bliss and light.

Pink Tourmaline

This uncommon precious stone is for purging the passionate assortment of dangerous sentiments and old injuries amassed after some time. It discharges blame, stress, wretchedness and tensions, and aides those feelings into self-esteem.

Red Spinel

Red Spinel is superb for expanding essentialness, certainty and initiative.

Rhodolite Garnet

Rhodolite Garnet is a precious stone of motivation and emotional healing. It energises love, generosity and compassion, and advances self-worth and otherworldly development. Rhodolite Garnet is particularly useful in recuperation of sexual mishandle, blame or disgrace. It helps in the treatment of heart and lung issue, and improves digestion and sexuality.

Rose Quartz

Rose quartz is known as the stone of “delicate love”. It conveys peace and quiet to connections. Phenomenal for healing emotional injuries, expelling pessimism and re-establishing agreement after clash. Advances energy about expressions of the human experience.


Ruby is popular as a defender from adversity and awful well-being. Rubyies are used to open the heart and advance love. Given as a blessing, ruby is an image of companionship and love. The ruby is likewise an image of imperativeness and royalty. Ruby is a very popular item on the anniversary gemstones list.


This gemstone has long relationship with peace and joy. Sapphires are known to help with communication, understanding, instinct, motivation and supplication. The people of old trusted that sapphires could help them to anticipate what’s to come. Sapphires is a very popular item on the anniversary gemstones list.

Smoky Quartz

This is known for its effective establishing properties that help the wearer reconnect to Earth. It helps them stay adjusted with their feet on the ground. It amplifies an intense vibration that ingests and transmutes negative vitality. Smoky quartz mends the mind and body by clearing mental and emotional blockages. This eases torment and discharges negative vitality from the body. When this gemstone is worn near the skin, it gives emotional support and furthermore expels sentiments of outrage and disdain.


Since spinel has been mistaken for ruby for hundreds of years. It is said that spinel is useful for unwinding and discharging stress. Spinel is not very refractive compared to diamonds. It has a virtue of shading that might be the reason for its typical significance.

Star Ruby

Star Ruby is a stone of quality and urges that motivates one to open the defensive energies of one’s character. As the stone of honourably, Ruby helps you to refine your character. The Star Ruby is said to guarantee victory in a fight.

Star Sapphire

Star Sapphire has indistinguishable otherworldly properties from the shade of Sapphire it shows up in. It improves vitality and escalation of those properties. The star itself speaks to the appearance of Divine learning and Light into denser reality. It reminds us that the external signs we love are an impression of the Light of our own substance.


Tanzanite is known as a “stone of magic”. It assists with profound mindfulness and psychic understanding. It is likewise now and then called the “obsessive worker’s stone”. This is on the grounds that it helps you to relax. This thusly, acquires achievement more zones of life. It calms stress and melancholy, and improves self-control, balance, and congruity. Tanzanite is likewise said to transmute pessimism. Physically it is said in healing legends and gem healing to be gainful for stress related sicknesses and hypertension specifically.


Tourmaline reinforces both body and soul. It is renowned to pull in motivation, help fixation, energise adjust and advance comprehension. It is likewise thought to quiet nerves, sooth sorrow, advance adjust and assemble self-certainty.


Known as the “master healer” it is said to be the bridge between Heaven, Sky and Earth. Numerous Native American societies trust that Turquoise interfaces the mind to the unending conceivable outcomes of the Universe. It is viewed as extremely sacrosanct in Chinese societies too. Turquoise is a throat Chakra stone, as it encourages legit and open correspondence from the heart. It attempts to make sure and adjust the chakras, fortifying the general body all the while.

Yellow Diamond

The typical embodiment of the yellow colour is – restoration, expectation, merriment and daylight. In this way, yellow precious stone ring is said to bring gifts of satisfaction and flourishing in couple’s life.

Yellow Sapphire

This type of sapphire brings the astuteness of success. This is not just pulling in riches and money related wealth into one’s life. It has the capacity to show one’s inventive vitality into shape through activity. It fortifies the brains, planning thoughts and goals. The yellow sapphire then concentrates that goal through the Solar Plexus Chakra. This will focus, permitting one to hold their vision sufficiently long to bring it into being. It additionally supports the investigation of moving in new headings. This brings energy and happy assumption about the conceivable outcomes in life.

Yellow Zircon

This colour of zircon is useful in upgrading intelligence and learning. Wearing the stone helps the proprietor encounter better rest. The wearer will likewise have the capacity to draw the consideration of his/her lover.

Anniversary Gemstones In Conclusion

As you an see from the list above that there is quite an extensive list of anniversary gemstones. You do not have to stick to this list to buy your loved one the specific gemstone for the specific anniversary year. If they prefer rubies and its in your budget get rubies for example. Its all about personal taste BUT if you are stuck and need some ideas this anniversary gemstones list is a great place to start 🙂 One popular option for anniversary gemstone is to only start getting them as gifts for the respective partner when the gem is of a more meaningful value. For example in 10+ years.

Check out our other Wedding Anniversary Gift Guides below to see what you can get for your significant other:

Do you have a favourite in the anniversary gemstones list? Have you been given any anniversary gemstones as an anniversary gift? Let us know and join the discussion below 🙂

Bridesmaid Speech Guide With Examples

So you are a bridesmaid and want to give an awesome bridesmaid speech? Then you have come to the right place. These days everyone wants to speak at the wedding. Traditionally the groom, best man, father and mother of the bride would speak. However various members of the bridal party these days have decided to contribute to the speeches. It is no surprise that the bridesmaids are wanting to speak and toast to the happy couple.

From time to time we have various brides or their bridesmaids contact us to get some advice on how to present a great bridesmaid speech. As mentioned above that this is entirely optional and is considered on par with a groomsman speech in that everyone is more than likely speak except for bridesmaids and groomsmen. As a result Pink Caviar decided to sit down and give a helpful guide for a bridesmaid’s speech as well as other options available.

Bridesmaid Speech Guide

Like all other the speeches listed on this site please review scroll down below for the handy hints and tips for speaking at a wedding. The one main thing to take away if you are to remember nothing is that any speech at a wedding should be between 3 – 5 minutes. This rule applies to an individual speech. If it is a collection of group speakers then each speech should only be 2 minutes at best. If it is a group effort then you are allowed a bit of extra time to speak so everyone can have a proper go (eg 10 minutes). Below are a couple of ideas and options that can be used for individual speeches or in a collective effort:

Going Solo

Think of the bridesmaids speech as a lighter version of the maid of honours speech (if there is one on the day). The only difference is that unlike the bride focusing on her relationship with her now husband, you are focusing on the bride and the positive impact the groom has made on her). While the groomsmen speeches generally mirror the best man speech, the bridesmaid speech can be anything from humorous to caring. Generally speaking the bridesmaids speech focuses on the how the bride met the groom and the impact he has made on your friend. It is a great time to throw in any other stories that have not been mentioned already 🙂

Group Speech

Just like the groomsmen’s who choose to work together on an a joint speech or act, so can the bridesmaids. It can be anything for each of the individual bridesmaids to speak for a brief moment each (generally for a minute or 2) or join together to do an act such as singing, a dance or playing an instrument. It can be culturally specific or something you have a shared interest in.

Get the Groomsmen Involved

It may also be possible (depending on the group) to get the groomsmen involved and working together to have a combined speech or act. The great thing about involving the groomsmen is that there are more people showcasing and can create something amazing. A great example is if you decided to sing together then it would look amazing on someone’s wedding day where the entire bridal party worked together to create something special for the bride and groom.

Getting The Bride & Groom Involved

While having a bridesmaid (or groomsmen) speech is a relatively newer idea, one exciting aspect is to not only involve the groomsmen as well but also the bride and groom as well. It will be a complete surprise to the audience to literally have the entire bridal party showcasing an act as well. This part is entirely optional and sometimes the bride may want to do an act just like when Melissa Molinaro had her and her bridesmaids do an act for the groom.

Practice Practice Practice

Lastly the key is to practice and be accommodating if others are joining you on this. It does not matter if it’s a speech, musical instrument, act or singing. You all need to make time to harmonise, get the jokes timed and iron out the kinks.

If all goes to plan the bridesmaid speech (group or solo) is something you can give back to the happy couple and something unique. Just like the maid of honour speech, the same helpful hints apply to the bridesmaids as well. These are to not drink too much beforehand because it can affect your speech. The last thing you want to do is leave a negative impression when your intention is to do something awesome. While we do not have a recorded bridesmaid speech video, check out the Pink Caviar Events YouTube Channel for other wedding speeches to take inspiration from.

Check out the maid of honour speech below as inspiration for your wedding speech along with this guide.

Feel free to check out our other wedding speech guides down below. Here we give you guides for the perfect speech on your wedding day (or anyone else speaking).

Did you find this bridesmaid speech guide handy? Have you heard an awesome bridesmaid speech? Did they do anything similar above or something different? Join the discussion below 🙂

Groomsmen Speech Guide With Examples

Almost everyone can speak at a wedding on the bridal table. This ranges from the groom, best man, bride, parents and so on… heck even the bridesmaids can host a speech as well. This then leaves one question… Do the groomsmen speak? Sure the best man speaks but what about the rest of this manly entourage for a groomsmen speech.

We recently had a client who spoke to us that one of the groomsmen felt a little left out and wanted to give back to the wedding but doing a short speech or act. While there is nothing wrong with this, the groomsmen are never considered. In fact, you are more likely to hear every single traditional and optional speech than ever hearing a groomsmen speech. As a result, Pink Caviar decided to sit down and give a helpful guide for a groomsmen’s speech guide as well as other options.

Groomsmen Speech Guide

Like all other speeches listed on this site, please review down below for handy hints and tips for speaking at a wedding. If you are to take away one thing is to make it between 4-6 minutes in total. This rule applies to a solo speaker so if it is a group then a couple of minutes at best. You are given a little bit of liberty for extra time to speak collectively. Below are a couple of ideas and options:

Groomsmen Speech Man Of Honour
The Groomsmen ever so charming, stylish and also potential man of honour


Going Solo

Think of the groomsman speech as a lighter version of the best man speech. The advantage here is you can tell more humorous jokes about the groom without the added responsibility of having to give respect and thanks to anyone at the wedding meaning you can throw friendly jokes about the groom (tastefully) and all can have a great time. As a groomsman, you should focus on how you know the groom and any personal stories not already mentioned.

Group Effort

Just like the bridesmaid’s who choose to work together on a joint speech or act, so can the groomsmen. It can be anything for each of the groomsmen to speak for a brief moment each or join together to do an act singing, playing an instrument (could be culturally specific or something you are all passionate about).

Get the Bridesmaids Involved

It may also be possible (depending on the group) to get the bridesmaids involved. You can work together to have a joint speech or act. The great thing about involving the bridesmaids is that there are more people to work together and can create something unique. For example, if you decided to sing together, then it would look amazing on someone’s wedding day where the entire bridal party worked together to create something special for the bride and groom.

Just like the best man speech, the same helpful hints apply to the groomsmen speech as well. These are to not drink too much because if you are going to speak or perform. The last thing you want to do is leave a negative impression when you intended to do something awesome.

Get the Groom Involved

In some cases, the groom will want to be involved and even be his idea. This is to perform to his now bride something collectively with his friends. As a friend growing up, you may have had long nights singing karaoke or dancing in the playground at school. You will be surprised what collective talents you have. It could be a collective speech, singing, dancing or an act. A great example is the one in the YouTube clip below where the groom performed with his groomsmen for the bride on his wedding day.

Practice Practice Practice… Did I say Practice?!?!

Lastly, the key is to practice and be accommodating if others are joining you on this. It does not matter if it’s a speech, musical instrument or singing. You all need to make time to harmonise, get those jokes timed and iron out the kinks. The one crucial piece of advice I give to people who are doing a wedding speech is to never “wing-it”. As mentioned in the handy hints guide below, when someone says that it generally means it’s going to sound raw, unfunny and be remembered as a bad speech.

Plan weeks or months in advance and make time to meet up. Practice together at least a few times and on your own as well to remember your part. The last thing you want to be is the odd one out who did not remember their line, could not remember the steps and so on. If it’s recorded on video then everyone will see that you did not take the time to practice for years to come.

Pro Tips Specifically For The Groomsmen Speech

Below are a collection of tips specifically for the groomsmen speech. These pro tips have been hand-picked from years of watching many speeches at weddings.

  • While I have mentioned it above, you need to practice especially if it is a group effort. Make sure you make time to meet up and rehearse your performance. If one of the groomsmen do not rehearse and the others do, then they will all nod their head saying “come on man you knew we were doing this together” and it brings down the group.
  • You might be single or in a relationship, and while you can comment on the bridesmaids during the speech/presentation, the wedding is about the bride and groom. No overly flirty/sexual nature should be in the speech. She may not welcome the attention, and also all the wedding guests will know your private business. The only exception to this is if you are in a relationship with one of the bridesmaids, you can make a cheeky comment about your specific girlfriend as everyone knows you are both together.
  • The groomsmen should look out for each other during the night. Of course look after the groom but if one of the groomsmen is having too much to drink make sure you curb his intake till AFTER the performance. This is to prevent any dramas while performing.

Check out Our Other Speech Examples

While we do not have a specific groomsmen speech on file, we do have a collection of other wedding speeches on our YouTube channel. Feel free to check them and take inspiration from them down below. See if you can use them in conjunction with the speech guide in creating an awesome groomsmen wedding speech/performance.

Groomsmen Speech Guide In Conclusion

If all goes to plan the groomsmen speech is something you can give back to the happy couple as a gift/performance. It is something unique and unexpected. With or without the bridal party or groom I sure it will be a hit. While we do not have any groomsmen speeches recorded, feel free to check out the Pink Caviar YouTube Channel for other wedding speeches for inspiration.

Feel free to check out our other wedding speech guides (with video examples) down below. Here we give you guides for the perfect speech on your wedding day (or anyone else speaking).

Let us know if this groomsmen speech guide helped you with writing you speech. Have you been to a wedding and heard a great or horrible groomsmen speech? Did they do anything mentioned above or something different? Join the discussion below and let us know 🙂